Getting Our House In Order

My name is Meg and I live in Buffalo NY with my husband Andrew and our cat Jake.
We are working on getting our house in order by saving money, getting organized, and simplifying things.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun and relaxing today!

Today is one of those rare Saturdays. I've got nothing major planned, and we are just going to have fun and relax.  We have tickets to go see Avatar at the Imax this afternoon.  I picked them up yesterday to make sure we would get in, since its been sold out the last few weeks.  I can't wait! 
I've been reading some of my favorite blogs this morning, and I'm trying to figure out how to make this blog better.  I have a lot to learn about blogging!
I am trying to come up with a list of things I want to blog about, so I can make sure I write everyday. If anyone ever starts reading, I want to give them a reason to come back! 
There are posts with previews for next weeks deals out there.  I am taking the day off from deal planning.  I really need to get a bit more organized and inventory what I have.  Even though I have gotten great deals on free and cheap HBA's and groceries, I am starting to get overwhelmed by STUFF!!  I need to take an inventory and decide what things I absolutely do not need to bring into this house until we go through our stockpile! The stuff is no good to anyone if it goes to waste becasue I didn't know we had it and keep buying more. 
If you haven't guessed by now...Organizing is a skill I need to work on.  Oh how I wish I were one of those natural organizers!  But Alas, I am not.

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